Finishing My First Book

Digital Artwork by Annie Carraway

After years of writer's block excuses and more valid excuses of needing to learn about plot and story structure I'm happy to announce that I am close to finishing my first book! I am in the last stages of editing, filling plot holes, tweaking characters,  doubting every decision I have ever made, religiously devoting myself to sleep deprivation and a life committed to darkness as well as battling an overwhelming and inhuman ice cream dependence! 

Under the Light of the New Moon is the first book in a series I am calling the Lilitu Chronicles. This is an Urban Fantasy book that takes place in Northern Arizona in the near future and is told from the perspective of Xenka Kosmike. I'm very excited to share this story of self actualization, greed, and forgiveness with the world and follow the characters growth and personal journey through multiple books. 

Here is a short book description and a preview of the digital art I've made for the cover so far! ☺

"After escaping a dark and tormenting past, Xenka Kosmike does her best to pick up the odd shift at Dahlia's Diner and make the most of small town life deep in the Arizona desert. She only has one problem that is quickly becoming hard to ignore, waking up on top of a moonlit mesa prickled with cactus spikes and taunted by hazy memories of vicious murders and apocalyptic mayhem. Her dreams quickly turn into a frightening reality when a demon forms from the smoke of her nightmares, grabbing her heart to hitch a ride back to Earth attached to her soul. Xenka is forced to confront a nature she has always denied and a past she has desperately tried to escape so that she might free her soul and spare millions of others from damnation. "

Stay tuned for the release date and check back in to see more blog posts!

🖤 Annie
